Friday, December 23, 2016

Merry Christmas from our home to yours!

Family 16

A year ago we didn't write, but we were soon to have that aha! moment during a school registration meeting.  As we sat there listening, we realized that in just a year, we would be registering a junior and a senior in high school.  And that, friends, is what we are just about to do.

Ben 16

Ben (17) is a junior at Eastview High School. He is a fun kid with a great sense of humor.  It would be awesome if we could write down all the funny Ben quotes, but they so often happen in the car while we are driving him to school, or home from football, math team, chess team, super group (strength and conditioning), or intramural basketball. As you can see, he is involved in everything except taking his driver's test. Ben is also in choir at school, where he tells us he is the lowest bass voice in the men's chorale. He really does love music, but if you asked him what he loves, he would tell you college football, League of Legends, and Pokémon. We had some fun outings over the summer playing Pokémon Go. He has new skates, and is very excited to start playing hockey at the neighborhood rink.

Bethany 16

Bethany (15) is a sophomore at Rosemount High School.  She is confident and responsible, and has an infectious giggle.  She has just completed her second marching band competition season with the color guard. She loves the blend of artistry and athleticism, along with the many friends she has made in the process. The girl has coordination that baffles her mom, and it's a beautiful thing to watch this state champion band compete with some of the best in the nation.  This year they won their class at the super-regional competition in St. Louis, MO.  They've been selected to march in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade in 2017, so we are excited for her about that. Bethany has also been busy since her lifelong dream came true this summer when we added a new furry family member...

Stella 16


Stella came to us from a rescue, and she quickly found a home in our hearts.  She is such a sweet dog! Some people are still shaking their heads and laughing over the fact that our family actually has a dog.  It's not that we ever disliked the idea of a dog, we love them--but the idea of CARING for a dog was a different story.  Bethany has done an awesome job with her.  We all adore Stella.

Lee and Tracy 16

Lee has kept very busy at work, and we are grateful for God's constant provision for us.  One of his big undertakings this year was to restart our church's co-ed softball team after playing with a different team for several years.  Ben and Bethany have been playing with him now for several years, and Friday nights are always a highlight.  It was great to share them with more of our friends this year.

Tracy has enjoyed almost two years in business with Tracy Patterson Photography.  She loves to photograph people "doing what they do"--a candid, documentary style of photography.  She also did a project this year for a church that wanted to put some photographs of community landmarks in its gathering spaces.  She is grateful for the opportunity to enjoy and celebrate God's creation, whether nature or people and their many expressions of creativity.  Lee sometimes grabs the extra camera and goes exploring with her, and it's been a fun way to connect with some other photographer friends.

While the year 2016 has been a turbulent one in the news, it's one we are savoring as a family. All too soon the launching of young adults will begin in earnest (pray for us!), but this has been a year to just enjoy life with teenagers.  They are a joy.

We wish you a beautiful Christmas, the kind where all of the details may come together perfectly or not at all, but where your heart is at peace and you know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are loved.

Lee and Tracy, Ben and Bethany


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